My mechanically upgraded Simca 1000 Coupé Rallye, sporting the tell-tale black hood and Amil wheels with pride and confidence, almost 7 years after I got her.

Welcome to my Simca 1000 Coupé Bertone Page
On this page, I will present the evolution of my 1966 Simca 1000 Coupé, which I bought in 2009. At that time, it did not have the original 42 HP engine anymore, but a modified Rallye 1 engine. It needed a lot of work, and after a lot of thinking and looking for parts, I decided to give it a second life and upgrade all mechanical parts to Rallye 2 specifications. The engine got a major work over and exceeds even the Rallye 3: forged pistons, 2 double carburettors and a very advanced cylinder head preparation, good for about 120 HP!
On these pages, I hope to provide useful links, pretty pictures and practical information on maintaining, driving and enjoying this fine example of French car manufacturing which José Rosinski (journalist and historic racecar driver) described in 1967 as
"the world's neatest small coupe"
"Une sorte de minette de province habillée en Cacharel, mais amoureuse de Tino Rossi."
On the left, you will find a category that includes all recent changes to this webpage.